POWER OF MONEY - OMG, encapsulates my life when it comes to sex. In my case I would add the power of authority too. As in authority over interns, juniors and employees with me being the top of the pyramid. I only fuck much younger girl now given those two advantages. A genuinely sick thought went through my mind, and the millennials and Z gonna hate it. Warning , I like to irk, anyhow now I am genuinely starting to think , financial difficulties of that generation is the direct reasons for boys being incels, and girls of those generations willing to sacrifice their throats to older men with money. Starting to feel like gen X’rs accidentally have created the perfect solution for themselves.
no such thing as harshx or collapx or for x or monx or not or powerx about itx or etc, mx or not doesn tmatter, ceptuxuax, do, be, outx, can do, be, outx etc any nmw s perfx